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You Make This Possible!

We want to inspire, entertain,

and share our knowledge with you. 


We want to inspire you to live your dreams. No matter where you live, on land or sea, the world is full of amazing things!  Sometimes we can all get stuck in a rut, but your dreams are always possible. We are grateful to live this lifestyle and are honoured to share it with you! Your support will allow us to keep making videos for you.

As we build our YouTube channel for you, we are constantly learning and working to make better videos for you. That also includes up-grading camera and computer equipment. Our computer is older and adds many hours to our video editing and uploading time. It takes 8-12 hours to upload a video to the internet. If you like what we do, please consider supporting our work.

For only a few dollars a month you can become a ​​Patron to enjoy early access to videos, other benefits and maybe a few surprise gifts!

There are also three ways that you can give a single donation:


Or send an e-transfer: The funds will be automatically accepted without the need of a password.



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